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Zespół Publio
We have added a list of products that have been recently viewed in the store catalog. The list can be enabled/disabled in the application settings.
Please report any comments or problems to teksty@publio.pl
Publio Team
Minor fixes in appearance.
Thank you for using the Publio application.
Please report any comments and problems to teksty@publio.pl
Publio Team
Minor fixes in appearance.
Thank you for using the Publio application.
Please report any comments or problems to teksty@publio.pl
Publio Team
Minor improvements in the appearance.
Thank you for using the Publio application.
Please report any comments and problems to teksty@publio.pl
Publio Team
Minor fixes and updates.
Thank you for using the Publio app.
Please report any comments or issues to teksty@publio.pl
Publio Team
Minor fixes and updates.
Thank you for using the Publio app.
Please report any comments and problems to prace@publio.pl
Publio Team
Minor fixes and updates.
Thank you for using the Publio app.
Please report any comments and problems to teksty@publio.pl
Bug fixes.
Thank you for using the Publio application.
Please report any comments and problems to teksty@publio.pl
Publio Team
Bug fixes.
Thank you for using the Publio application.
Please report any comments or problems to teksty@publio.pl
Publio Team
In this version, we are introducing the long-awaited night mode of the application.
We are glad that you are using the Publio application. Thank you for that.
Please report any comments and problems to: pracelio@publio.pl
Publio Team
In this version we introduce small modifications, e.g. the ability to change the password and delete the account.
Thank you for using the Publio application.
Please report any comments and problems to teksty@publio.pl
Publio Team
In this version, we introduce minor fixes in the file download process and cosmetic changes to the color scheme.
Thank you for using the Publio application.
Please report any comments or problems to prace@publio.pl
Publio Team
Minor color changes.
Thank you for using the Publio application.
Please report any comments and problems to teksty@publio.pl
Publio Team
Adapting the application to the change of data administrator.
Thank you for using the Publio app.
Please report any comments and problems to rekrutacja@publio.pl
Publio iBOK MOBILE team
Adapting the application to the change of data administrator.
Thank you for using the Publio app.
Please report any comments and problems to rekrutacja@publio.pl
Publio Team
Optimization fixes.
Thank you for using the Publio app.
Please report any comments and problems to rekrutacja@publio.pl
Publio Team
Optimization fixes.
Thank you for using Publio.
Please report any comments or problems to applications@publio.pl
Publio team
Optimization fixes.
Thank you for using Publio.
Please report any comments and problems to: Applications@publio.pl
Publio Team
Optimization fixes.
Thank you for using Publio.
Please report any comments and problems to applications@publio.pl
Publio team
Thank you for using Publio. This version brings fixes to the audiobook player. Thanks to the changes, listening to audiobooks will now be easier and more enjoyable.
Please report any comments or problems to applications@publio.pl
Publio team
Thank you for using the app. This version introduces changes to with presenting the lowest price from the last 30 days. This is an adaptation to the provisions of the Act on Consumer Rights.
In this version we have introduced some functional fixes.
Please submit any comments to applications@publio.pl.
Thank you for using the app. Publio Team We
In this version we have introduced some functional improvements, including the ability to use downloaded files offline. We have improved the process of paying with payment cards.
Please report any comments on applications@publio.pl
Thank you for using the application Publio Team
Little corrections.
Please send your comments on the application to the following address: applications@publio.pl
Thank you to the Publio.pl team.
Minor fixes.
Please send your comments on the application to the following e-mail address: applications@publio.pl Thank you to
the Publio.pl team.
Little corrections.
Please send your comments on the application to the following e-mail address: applications@publio.pl
Thank you to the Publio.pl team.
Little corrections.
Please send your comments on the application to the following e-mail address: applications@publio.pl
Thank you to the Publio.pl team
In this version, we have added an easy and secure BLIK payment.
Please send any comments to the following address: applications@publio.pl
Thank you for using the application.
This version introduces improvements to the operation of the application.
Thank you for using the application, please send any comments to: applications@publio.pl Application
This version introduces improvements to the operation of the application.
Thank you for using the application, please send any comments to the following address: applications@publio.pl
This version introduces improvements to the operation of the application.
Thank you for using the application, please send any comments to the following address: applications@publio.pl
This version introduces improvements to the operation of the application.
Thank you for using the application, please send any comments to the following address:
This version introduces some minor fixes.
Thank you for using the application, please send any comments to the following address:
This version introduces some minor fixes.
Thank you for using the application, please send any comments to the following address: applications@publio.pl
This version introduces some minor fixes.
Thank you for using the application, please send any comments to the following address: applications@publio.pl
This version fixes the bug with adding PDFs to the library.
Thank you for using the application, please send any comments to the following address: applications@publio.pl
This version contains minor corrections.
Thank you for using the application, please send any comments to the following address: applications@publio.pl We have
In this version we have made fixes related to the purchase.
Thank you for using the app.
Please send any comments to applications@publio.pl.
This version contains minor corrections.
Thank you for using the application, please send any comments to: applications@publio.pl
This version contains minor corrections.
Thank you for using the application, please send any comments to the following address: applications@publio.pl
This version includes minor fixes.
Thank you for using the application, please send any comments to the following address: applications@publio.pl
This version contains minor corrections.
Thank you for using the application, please send any comments to the following address: applications@publio.pl
This version includes a bug fix. with adding external epub files to the library.
Thank you for using the app.
Please send any remarks to applications@publio.pl
Optimization fixes
Minor optimization changes.
Thank you for using the app. Please send any comments to: applications@publio.pl
Minor fixes in ebook reader night mode.
Thank you for using the app.
Please send any comments to applications@publio.pl
changes Changes in this version:
- optimization corrections
Thank you for using the application, please send any comments to: applications@publio.pl
Changes in this version:
- optimization corrections
- minor graphic changes
Thank you for using the application, please send any comments to: applications@publio.pl
In this version, the sorting of purchased e-press issues has been improved. Please report any comments to applications@publio.pl
Changes in this version:
- optimization improvements
- small graphic changes
Thank you for using the application, please report any comments to: Aplikacje@publio.pl
New in this version:
- optimization improvements
- small graphic changes
Thank you for using the application, please report any comments to: Aplikacje@publio.pl
A new, refreshed version of the application. All comments should be sent to the following address: Aplikacje@publio.pl.
A fix associated with displaying product prices in the store
Correction of an error that prevents opening ebooks. All comments please report to: applications@publio.pl
Amendments related to the operation of the reader. Please send all comments to applications@publio.pl.